New Google Blog Search is Great Marketing News for Business Podcasts, Blogs and RSS Feed Publishers

Google just introduced Blog Search in beta yesterday. This new search function allows you to search the web for blogs, podcasts and RSS feeds. You just type your keyword and it will show you the results that come from these sources.

The results show not showing any preferences to Blogs that are published on Blogger. We see the results for all Blogging platforms. Actually Google Blog Search is not just looking at Blogs. They are looking for an RSS feed, which can be from a blog, podcast, or other XML feed. It appears that the search tool is pretty responsive and we see the results appear within a few hours after a new post is made to the RSS Blog and Podcast Feed. This is another way that you can create online visibility for your company.

The organic results are sorted by relevance, but you have to sort them by date as well. This is especially nice if you want to find the latest post for a quick breaking news topic and want to find it quickly in the blogosphere. The other thing that Google has done is to try to eliminate some of the "noise" and Spam in the blogosphere. They look at high quality blogs and show them at the top in what is called "Related Blogs." This is prime real estate for your blog to join in.

As an example: Go to the new Google Blog Search and type in podcasting tips.

Google currently does not support a manual submission to your blog feed. We think it is smart because it keeps unethical people out of the picture. If you are blogging or podcasting proper and best practices; your feed will be found by Google. Make sure you also are following best practices for pinging after your feed has been updated. This will ensure that your feed is updated by Google.

It looks like Google started indexing blogs, podcasts and RSS feeds in June 2005. They are currently not showing posts that were made prior to this. You can change this in the future. Google found a way to somewhat keep the black hat SEO and unethical Bloggers out of the results. We can all celebrate this because it means quality and relevant results for searchers.

Podcasters should also take note that individual podcast shows also be included in the results. This is a great way for people to find your podcasts and individual podcast shows, based on specific topics and content.

If you are serious about improving your marketing and online visibility for your company website, so you should be creating quality content with quality, blog or podcast. If your company wants to get maximum exposure on this important new area of Google, you should work with professionals who really understand this technology. You can look at as they have experience with many Blogging, RSS and Podcasting Solutions.