Our first TV show came soon after we started working together in 1979. It was called ROARING DOUGHNUTS, and was about a Van Race/Scavenger Hunt (the wheels were "doughnuts"). The pilot was produced by rock concert maestro DON KIRSCHNER(!!!) and it starred the wonderful Marryin' Sam hisself STUBBY KAYE!
OLga and I made the puppets and marionettes, and along with puppeteering, I played the on-camera knuckleheaded bad guy VINNIE THE VANDAL opposite Olga's tuff punk GOONEY BIRD.

Hold on to your heart, 'cause I'm coming to break you.

Long time no see! Well that's simply because I'm a clumsy fool and somehow managed to spill wine on my laptop. So I died a slow death over the week and prayed that they could fix my little munchkin of a laptop. Oh and as always the timing was perfect - my animation course was coming to an end so work needed to be done and now I'm so hopelessly behind schedule, swamped in work and unanswered e-mails. And I'm gonna be a starving artist for the next few months, 'cause apparently mess ups like this are finacially pretty devastating, oh joy. But on the good note, I'm heading to Tallinn on sunday for my internship in Identity. So I'm really excited about that! Also wanted to say that I'm looking forward to answering all your questions, there were quite many of them so I think I'm gonna do it three separate parts. But here are some photographs for you guys, hope you enjoy and be sure to tell me what you think! :)

Hold on to your heart, 'cause I'm coming to break you.
Also a quick outfit post which you can aslo find on lookbook HERE. I'm wearing my selfmade lace dress and skirt, scarf from Reserved, jacket from NewYorker, belt from seppälä, bag from second had and studded boots from NSking. I actually have a bunch of skirts like this waiting to be listed on my Etsy store, but I just feel like their too springy so I'm just waiting for the right time to list them :) But just so you know there are a lot floral, lace and peachy skirts coming. Also in the next post I'm gonna give you a little sneak-peak of my soon to be available jewellery collection! uhu!

(I used CanonEOS 400D and 50mm lens for the pictures)

The tenderest touch, leaves the darkest of marks.
This is part of a personal project I'm working on. I'm gonna make these images into large scale drawings.. and by large I mean huge! But you guys are gonna laugh at me when I tell you how I took these photos. No I didn't use a camera... I used my scanner instead. I got this idea a while back, when I was reading about this man who is actually famous for his scanner art - he managed to capture some amazing textures and shapes just by scanning and it really inspired me. So I decided to try it. Although I'm gonna have to insist that you guys don't try it in public (like your school or the office), 'cause it can look.. well.. rather retarded, luckily I had the chance to do this in the comfort of my room. But do try - you might get some awesome results!

( I used CanonScan LIDE 100 scanner for these images)

Florence and the Machine - Hardest Of Hearts

Feed your mind

There is a cliche that we learn something new every day. Do you believe that is true? Some say it is not possible. Others argue that it is achievable and sometimes “we let our minds shut down” to learning opportunities.

An article by Forbes Magazine described continued learning as, “Like the weather. Everyone talks about it, but nobody does much about it”.

Your very reading of this blog is proof you have the dedication to learn and develop as a leader. As you know, learning should never stop for anyone. Whether you have been a leader for decades or aspire to join the leadership ranks, there’s always something new you can learn to sharpen your leadership skills.

If you strive to learn something new every day, here are some tips to keep in mind.

· Keep current on industry trends by reading business journals and industry blogs (like ours!) on a daily basis. Be sure to check out the websites for Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, and Inc. – each of those sites provide a wealth of information and leadership development articles. Explore materials about your own industry, such as books, magazines, and seminars.

· Identify people who are known to have good ideas. Listen to them and pay attention to how they form ideas. Seek out the visionaries (sometimes considered eccentrics), and listen to what they have to say with an open mind.

· Look at your organization’s environment. Are imagination and creativity encouraged? To encourage a creative environment, listen to employees’ ideas and allow differing ideas, discussion, and reasonable conflict.

· Keep a daily log/diary of what you have learned each day. At the end of the month, review the diary – you may surprise at how much you have learned.

Okay, I realize it takes time to learn and we are all crunched for time. The solution? Find time for learning.

Remember no matter you are and what you are doing, there is room for improvement. Leaders need to carry a permanent learner’s permit and look for opportunities to learn from even the most mundane things in life. Try to give every moment your full attention, and maybe it won't be a cliche and you will learn something new every day.

What is Export

Materials available in a country sold to other countries which are in need of the material and by which earning foreign money to the respective country is called Export.

In otherwords, an export is any good or commodity for use in trade transported from one country to another country in a legitimate way, for sale or exchange is called export.

Any exporter can decide to export directly or indirectly to a foreign country.

For more details visit:

Profitability Through Presentation

Designing - Designing is the word very exactly related with presentation. Designing or else Presentation is the most important aspect of business. If anyone wants to increase their business productivity then they must concentrate on presentation. Quality of the product or services is very important, on the same how we promote the product or services are deciding factors for the company’s sales volume.

Presentation = Designing

Presentation may Differ but All Different things are not Presentation.

Ø Website – Is the best way to promote your business throughout the world. Are the only way and the best way to reach wide range of targeted audience. If we reach our targeted audience then you are the beneficiary, automatically productivity can increase.

Increase in Productivity = Increase in Profit

You Guys can get attracted, Hey guys i mean your business can attract many many targeted audience.. Just have a try and go for design a professional website " "

More heads are better than one

As an avid fan of football, basketball, and baseball, I read plenty of sports articles. And no matter what game, or what team, there is typically one line that is used to describe why a team won - “they played as a team”.

While that line may not seem like a big deal, it is actually a pretty high compliment. After all, it is not easy to get a bunch of rich, talented players to forgo egos to play together as one team.

When a team wins because “they played as a team,” the credit is usually due to the leadership style of the team’s coach. Many times the success of a coach depends on how well the team works together and what the performance is on the court. It’s really not that different in the business climate, where many managers strive to make teamwork a core value in an organization’s culture.

In the modern workplace, teamwork can produce incredible results. As awarding as the team approach can be, fostering a team environment is sometimes a challenge. The size of the team to interpersonal dynamics can all affect how well the team will work together. Like many aspects of an organization’s culture, good teamwork begins with the managers.

So if you want your team to, well, “play like a team,” keep these development tips in mind.

· Allow staff meetings to be team-building sessions, with open brainstorming and problem solving.

· Match crucial assignments and team members so: (1) assignments challenge the team members, and (2) the likelihood of success is great.

· Ask your team members for their input and their different approaches to reach a goal that may have been set by someone outside the team. Use a variety of ways to reach consensus: discussion/persuasion, majority rule, or predicted outcomes and consequences of recommended actions.

· If you want to encourage teamwork, recognize the team for its successes. Make it clear that active involvement is a valued and necessary component for a functioning team. Publicly reward active team players.

Tell us, how do you build a team environment?

Photo credit: Bleacher Report

How To Prepare a Resume

When preparing a resume,we need to know about ourself first.Some job seekers don’t know how to frame the resume .Ask some support from your teacher or staff before you prepare a resume and attending a interview

Resume preparation plays a vital role in searching a job.The candidate may be fresher or experienced one but the resume must speak a lot rather than ourself.You must be clear about employment details.

Resume is essential thing before we go to walk in or any other interviews.As a fresher, we need to prepare a resume within one page.You need to specify your details within that limitation.

First of all,set a objective for your resume and then education,any achievements and personal details.Then list all your work experience details if you are in work.

Attractive resume will increase the ability of getting a job interview and other facility.A resume must contain objective,career summary and personal strengths.A resume must be in formal presentation and use Times Roman font and size to present better.Have some good idea and prepare your resume in formal way.

You should know the job profile before going for an interview so that we can change our resume based on the job nature.For example,you are going for management profile,you need to specify some managerial skills in the resume so we can attract our employer in the interview panel itself.



These were done during the first three weeks of January 2011.






(I should live so long. So long!)

Small acts can lead to big consequences

Little things can leave a big impression in life. Small gestures such as bringing a friend her favorite cup of coffee, or taking over the childcare duties from your partner can sometimes leave lasting impressions.

However, there are some small acts that can lead to big consequences.

I recently came across the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article, Bosses’ Small Gestures Send Big Signals. The article discussed if you are leader every little move you make is pinpointed and scrutinized.

For example, the article interviewed Linda Hudson, president and CEO of BAE Systems Inc., a global defense company. As soon as she was appointed, she told her lieutenants that she expected “rapid response” to email. Well, those lieutenants took that advice to heart and slept with their BlackBerrys so they could immediately answer her 3 a.m. messages.

Sure, Hudson wanted her e-mails answered but she also wanted her employees to get some sleep. She had to tell her colleagues that they could sleep at night, and she told the WSJ, “It will probably be a few months before we all get used to each other.”

Hudson experienced “executive amplification,” a widespread phenomenon that can affect a career. This is when staffers scrutinize – and possible misconstrue – your deeds, dress, and words.

Even though the executive may send out wrong signals to the employees – the executive themselves might have no idea. As people rise in the ranks, they receive more filtered information. Chances are pretty good that, over time, many of these leaders will operate with blind spots.

If you’re concerned about blind spots, one solution is to gather 360 Feedback from peers, direct reports, and external stakeholders.

The article gave an example of how 360 feedback pursued a newly appointed executive at an apparel company to alter her misinterpreted appearance. This executive wore designer clothing and jewelry, while the rest of the workplace favored casual business dress.

360 Feedback revealed that her employees felt that she was “trying to be better than us,” and that “she is the only one that doesn’t know this is bothering people.”

Once the executive received this feedback and went over the results with her business coach, she decided to tone down her appearance right away.

I highlighted this WSJ article because I think it provides a great example of how some leaders work with blind spots, and have no idea how their gestures are affecting their employees. This is why gathering feedback is so vital - it is hard for people to be objective about their own behavior. Effective leaders are open to feedback, both positive and negative, and will use it to improve their performance.

If you want to read the full article click here.

What are you thoughts about the subject? Are you aware of your small gestures?

Apple Inc. puts succession planning in the spotlight

When Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced he would take a medical leave of absence, there was one question burning in the minds of shareholders, investors, and the general public.

What happens now?

Tim Cook, chief operating officer, will be at the helm for the company’s major products for now. However, this is the third time that Apple shareholders were faced with news that Jobs will take a prolong length of absence. Jobs’ most recent departure puts Apple’s succession issues back in the public eye.

Jobs founded the company in 1976 and he is still the main driving force behind all of Apple’s innovations. There have been virtually no reports on who will take over for Apple when Jobs steps down. Some are concerned that there is not a succession plan in place.

In January 2011, Apple urged its shareholders to reject a proposal at the following month’s annual meeting calling for the company to “adopt and disclose a written CEO succession policy”. In the statement, the company’s board said publishing a plan would impact their ability to attract executive talent and would give competitors an unfair advantage.

Still, long-term shareholders want the assurance that the company does have a succession plan.

This then calls into question – who will be the next Apple CEO?

Finding a replacement for Jobs, the breakthrough innovator and person of influence, is extremely difficult. The next leader will most likely have to come from within the company.

A Wall Street Journal reporter made the point that to further instill investor confidence, Apple needs to pull back the curtain on its development process and highlight some of the individuals who have helped usher in the iPhone and iPad. Jobs can’t be the only innovator in the company, right?

There is research that successful companies need to better value and leverage their Individual Contributors (IC's) and provide these individuals development tools. Utilizing proven tools like 360 Feedback for IC's can help spot and develop tomorrow’s leaders.

The company could already be utilizing development tools to aid a succession plan or it may not – shareholders and the public have no idea. Apple may need to make a succession plan transparent, or its stock may come under pressure because of questions of who will succeed Jobs at the helm.

It will be interesting to see what move Apple makes next.

What are you thoughts about Apple and a succession plan? Who could replace Steve Jobs?

Sources: Wall Street Journal, Director of Finance Online