High Performance computer of south Africa

MOSCOW, Aug. 5 -- T-Platforms, the Russian supercomputer holding, and the Centre for High Performance Computing of South Africa (CHPC) have signed a letter of intent. The document reflects the parties' mutual interest in the use of T-Platforms supercomputer systems in CHPC projects. Notably, it is T-Platforms' 2nd letter signed with foreign partners -- recently the company has signed a letter of interest with the largest Finnish supercomputer centre CSC - IT Center for Science. T-Platforms, the leading Russian supercomputer developer and manufacturer, and South Africa's largest supercomputer centre CHPC (the Centre for High Performance Computing) have signed a letter of intent presupposing further multilateral cooperation. The CHPC expresses strong interest in T-Platforms latest developments and readiness to use T-Blade 2 -- a new petascale HPC platform -- in its future projects. This blade system has drawn the CHPC specialists' interest in a number of key features, such as extremely high computing density and performance along with low power consumption. In order to provide high-level integration and timely support of T-Platforms supercomputer systems in South Africa, the Russian company plans to engage one of the local South African IT companies in cooperation. T-Platforms is ready to provide this organization's specialists, as well as those of the CHPC, with knowledge of designing, installing and supporting T-Platforms supercomputer systems and to engage the companies' engineers in the work on real supercomputer installation projects on T-Platforms customer sites in Russia. It would help the African partners promote T-Platforms' supercomputer solutions on the continent.

For further details visit as : http://www.hpcwire.com/offthewire/Russian-Supercomputers-Reach-South-Africa-52526982.html?ref=982