Students spender summer in intensive science and math classes

Shaylee Brocious is planning for the future, which includes college, fun and hobbies. The Clearfield High School junior said that's going to take a lot of learning over the next eight years, so she's completing college-prep work over the summer by taking a year's worth of science in seven weeks through the Davis School District's summer Utah Science Technology and Research program."I want to be a lawyer, so I need four science credits," she said about working toward a college-track diploma. "But I love doing hair and want to take cosmetology classes at DATC. I also want to take culinary arts classes with my friends."She plans to get a cosmetology license through Davis Applied Technology College so she can work at something she enjoys while paying for law school.Shaylee said to fit it all in, she needed to make room in her school-year class schedule. When she heard about USTAR, she signed up to go from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. three days each week over the summer to concentrate on physics.That way, she will only need one more science class to fulfill a college-bound curriculum. While students are packing high school schedules full of secondary and post-secondary classes, teachers and administrators are creating ways to bring higher levels of science and math to students, said Jodi Lunt, secondary science director for the Davis district.

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