Hints and tips :

Here are some helpful hints and tips to remember when you use your e-mail account:

• Check regularly email ... so you can react quickly.

• Delete messages after reading ... This frees up storage space for more productive purposes.

• Do not send confidential information in your email ... others may be able to read / access it.

• Do not rush to send ... If you write a message when you are upset, wait before you send.

• Be professional ... your e-mail is a reflection of you.

• Do not send chain letters ... is so annoying on the internet, as they are in real life.

• Be wary of email attachments from people you do not know ... may be a virus or malware.

• If you send an attachment to be aware that the file size is ... large files can fill in the recipient's mailbox and prevent them from receiving other messages.

Here are some guidelines to follow the proper use of your account email address:

Do unto others as you want others do unto you.

Be polite and courteous at all times, just because they are involved in the real world conversation, does not mean you can abandon real world manners and ethics. Remember you can not communicate with a computer screen, but with a man in possession of the thoughts and feelings as you. So before you lose your temper or send a rude or offensive message, think about the person on the receiving end.

Note that the biggest problem with the Internet is that the written word is not easy to interpret. When you say something, you can hear the tone of his voice. If they can see you can take visual clues from your face and body to humor intends or tries to soften what sounds like a harsh punishment. All of this is lost in the text, and sometimes the answers may come across as mean or rude, even though the author did not intend it this way. This is why some people use emoticons (visual track) in their email, saving a lot of confusion.

Be careful not to use rude or bad language online.

Many providers may cancel your account.

Respect the privacy of others.

If someone sends you an email about a question, do not add him or her to your mass mailings without your permission. Never sell or give your email address without permission to any other person who will use it for promotion or advertising. Remember ... you do not want people reading your mail, why should I read yours? It is bad manners - Standards of Conduct and thus poor - to read other people's private material without permission.

Do not break the law.

Cyberspace may seem a completely different world, but remember that you are still in the real world, a world of laws and rules of ethics. When you are online, you must follow the same rules of behavior as you would in real life. Remember, if it is against the law in the real world is against the law in cyberspace.


The world is not the same and other users have different browsers, different online services, different e-mail programs, etc. So no, for example, send e-mail with text formatting - bold, italics, indents, etc., as many other programs will not be able to read format and the recipients receive their e-mails filled with confusing codes.

Be concise in your case.

Do not get people to read things they do not want to know. Never wasted bandwidth with ads and commercials repeated unnecessarily long. One of the golden rules for answering an email is to try editing out unimportant information and anything that is repeated. Long e-mails and Forum postings also tend not to be read, for all your efforts will be futile.

Always identify yourself.

Never send e-mail without including your name at the bottom of the email. Similarly, do not post forum messages without identifying yourself, this is seen as impolite. (I e-mail, always fill in the Subject box so people can see what the concerns e-mail).

Make a good impression.

Remember that the written word is the only way to represent yourself online, so spelling and grammar count. If you write a large amount of text so that others can see, so be sure to break the pieces will be easier for the eye to read it.