Everything is soft and slow.

It's been getting colder and colder.. and I'm loving it! I don't know what it is about winter mornings, but they look like magic to me. Took these photos last week, when I finally got go home, sleep in my own bed and pet my little puppy. It was so nice and sunny the whole time, almost like Tartu was welcoming me home. But I'm going to let you guys see for yourself, oh and you can also find this outfit on lookbook HERE. So I hope you like the pictures and be sure to tell me what you think :)

Uh uskumatu, aga läheb aina külmemaks ja külmemaks. Tundub, et me oleme see aasta talvega kuidagi eriti suured semud - saabume alati stiilse hilinemsega, aga kui kohal oleme, siis on ka kohal oldud. Ja kui ma ignoreerin fakti, et istusin täna ligi kolm tundi radika otsas enne kui mu varbad jälle maailma tajuma hakkasid, pole siiski midagi paremat ja ilusamat kui talvehommikud. Need fotod tegin eelmine nädal, kui õnnestus üle pika aja jälle koju saada, enda voodis magada ja kutsule pai teha. Üldse oli Tartu kuidagi nii hubaselt päikeseline.. oh nii hea - nii hea. Aga lasen teid nüüd pilte vaatama ja lookbooki saab piiluda SIIT. Ja nagu alati - olge tublid mu hiirekesed ja hoidke peanupud soojas! :)

(I used CanonEOS 400D and 50mm lens for the photographs)
( The huge scarf is from Reserved, print-tee is from www.ardentees.com, bag from Romwe.com, feather ring from H&M, skirt is from a secondhand store, the coat is from NewYorker)
The Naked and Famous - No Way