How to Beat Seat Belt Ticket

It is quite likely that at some point in our life you will get a ticket for something. It could be a parking ticket, a speeding ticket or any other type of ticket. Now some people just decide to avoid the hassle and pay the ticket, so it may be out of their minds. But others decide they want to fight for whatever reasons they have in mind.

Now there are three possible ways you can beat a ticket. The first thing that is and happens in a lot of circumstances is that the cop did not show up for court. The second is that you use a technicality to be a problem with patrol cars speedometer and finally the third, you have a good argument for extenuating circumstances as you are speeding to get your pregnant wife to hospital.

If you get a speeding ticket does not work as a tough guy to the police officer. If you act like a fool, you'll end up with a lot more than just a speeding ticket. More likely you'll end up in jail with your impounded car, which is certainly not a fact as you want or need to be in.

Do not admit to being guilty of anything. Simply keep your mouth shut if possible. The cop can use anything you say in court. You want it over with as quickly as possible. Act stupid if you need it really does help. You can even act scared act as if the tickets means the end of your life.

Again, officers have a tendency to show a degree of compassion once in a while. They can not write it if they feel sorry for you. Hopefully some tips that will help you save money and got a ticket in court.