Buying an LED TV for Dummies

Then you take the plunge. You have remortgaged your home, persuaded yourself you need one and are convinced your wife / husband / girlfriend / roommate that you can not live another second without Hi-Def beauty found in the recent series of LED TV . To help you navigate through the complex world of contrast ratio and refresh rate, we have compiled this quick guide to help you choose LED TV that is right for you.

Unless you have lived on the moon the last few months, chances are you've seen Samsung's marketing campaign proclaiming brighter colors and deeper black. They want you to focus on the three Cs - contrast, color and clarity. Although these are important when choosing a TV - without doubt Samsung LED TVs have them all - we reckon you should be more interested in the three Ps - price, presentation and personality.

Unless you're an early adopter (nothing to do with Madonna), it is probably neither wise nor possible to pay through the nose for a brand new TV. You have food to buy and possibly children to support. During the time of a recession, splashing out on lavish luxuries is akin to sending out an open invitation to all your local bailiffs. But from what we've seen since early 2009, prices have been steadily declining.

At the time of writing, you can download a 32-inch LED TV for only 720 pounds - so it need not cost the earth, if you know where and when to purchase. Prices are expected to decline further in the run up to Christmas, so it can be worth checking your encourages a little while. Money can be saved on expensive delivery (up to £ 45 at some stores) by choosing a dealer who will allow you to purchase or reserve online and pickup at your local Shop. And do not be fooled by bundle offers that tempt you in with the promise of a free Blue-Ray player or HDMI cable - in many cases the prices on these TVs is ramped up over the norm, so it would work out cheaper to go elsewhere and buy goods cheaper from separate dealers.

Tell most people that the TV has a contrast ratio of 1,000,000:1, and they will look at you with a blank face. Is it good, bad or just indifferent? While you can get settled in any numbers and statistics, the only way to really experience the image quality is to see one for real. Before you buy blind online, it would probably be worth popping into your local audio visual store to have a demonstration. After all, you have to live with this investment for at least a good few years (unless you're the proud owner of a money tree). Take time to do your research so you can be sure you get the most for your money.

Not only is the screen presentation of important but also the TV design even if you are aesthetically minded. Unless you sit at home all day watching Jeremy Kyle, a lot of the time TV will be turned off, it then needs to look good off and when it happens. Major television can become an important node in the room you put it in, so it is worth paying slightly more for a stylish TV that match your impeccable interior design. And try not to put on blinkers and targets for the biggest TV money can buy - there is no sense to have a 55 "LED TV if you live in a caravan, and the only place you could attach it to the outside. A quick search on Google will bring up a table showing the optimal size TV for your selected room. If you believe that these additional features will benefit and enrich your life, go for it and select one of the more expensive models.

TV Personality needs to match your own personality. If you're a bit of a geek to get excited by great contrast ratio and ridiculously fast refresh rate, it is worth shelling out for a top-end LED TV to show your (limited) friends. Alternatively, if you're an MP, we recommend that you get an LED TV from the lower end of the spectrum that contain some of your constituency hatred when it appears on your spending bill at the end of the year.

Good luck with your purchase choice, we are confident that you will make the right choice for you, and that it would be a worthwhile investment. Now all you need to do is wait for broadcasters to produce something decent to look at it.