Feed your mind

There is a cliche that we learn something new every day. Do you believe that is true? Some say it is not possible. Others argue that it is achievable and sometimes “we let our minds shut down” to learning opportunities.

An article by Forbes Magazine described continued learning as, “Like the weather. Everyone talks about it, but nobody does much about it”.

Your very reading of this blog is proof you have the dedication to learn and develop as a leader. As you know, learning should never stop for anyone. Whether you have been a leader for decades or aspire to join the leadership ranks, there’s always something new you can learn to sharpen your leadership skills.

If you strive to learn something new every day, here are some tips to keep in mind.

· Keep current on industry trends by reading business journals and industry blogs (like ours!) on a daily basis. Be sure to check out the websites for Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, and Inc. – each of those sites provide a wealth of information and leadership development articles. Explore materials about your own industry, such as books, magazines, and seminars.

· Identify people who are known to have good ideas. Listen to them and pay attention to how they form ideas. Seek out the visionaries (sometimes considered eccentrics), and listen to what they have to say with an open mind.

· Look at your organization’s environment. Are imagination and creativity encouraged? To encourage a creative environment, listen to employees’ ideas and allow differing ideas, discussion, and reasonable conflict.

· Keep a daily log/diary of what you have learned each day. At the end of the month, review the diary – you may surprise at how much you have learned.

Okay, I realize it takes time to learn and we are all crunched for time. The solution? Find time for learning.

Remember no matter you are and what you are doing, there is room for improvement. Leaders need to carry a permanent learner’s permit and look for opportunities to learn from even the most mundane things in life. Try to give every moment your full attention, and maybe it won't be a cliche and you will learn something new every day.