Watch Movies This Weekend to be a Better Leader!

We all remember school days with substitute teachers.  In my high school, it meant that we had a relaxed class period (unless your teacher left a mound of worksheets) watching movies relevant to the class.  If it was history class, we were usually left watching some sort of colonial American movie; if it was biology, we watched documentaries on estuaries or tearjerkers on genetic diseases, i.e. Lorenzo’s Oil.  But where were the movies about developing leadership skills necessary for the workplace? 

The answer is that most of the time, leadership skills aren’t covered in typcal high school classrooms.  So here is my pitch to teachers: next time you show a movie in class, show one of the films featured below and talk about the importance of leadership.  It is often overlooked, and it is such a vital skill in the workforce.  And my advice for everyone else?  Watch these movies.  You get an excuse to lie on the couch all day for the sake of personal development—what could be better than that?

Lord of the Rings—Sacrificing oneself for the good of the group; accepting leadership responsibility.
Apollo 13—How skill and dedication can save even the most doomed operations
Braveheart—The power of rallying those around to you battle injustice.
Band of Brothers (a miniseries, but it’s a favorite)—Depending on each other to accomplish extraordinary things.
Stand and Deliver—Explores the importance of believing in others/ how persistence can help overcome difficult backgrounds.
West Wing— Ok, so this was a TV series, but it is too good to leave out. It’s also great example of how to manage people with egos in high-stress situations.
Dead Poets Society—This classic is about inspiring young people to be “powerful individuals,” by teaching them to think for themselves and be self-reliant.
Lean on Me—This film about a failing New Jersey high school provides the simple message: “Don’t blame your backgrounds. Don't blame the Establishment. Blame YOURSELVES. Don't lean on excuses, drugs, crime, or anger. LEAN ON ME...and learn.”

For Kids…or the Kid in You
Toy Story—Sharing leadership with another; teamwork mentality.
The Lion King—Overcoming perceived failure and uncertainty to become a leader.
Happy Feet—Embracing one’s unique strengths and trusting your gut to create change.

Sports Movies
Remember the Titans—Overcoming adversity and stereotypes through teamwork to become an inspirational coach that initiates cultural change.
Invictus—Using unconventional methods to unite teams (in this case, a country) in turmoil.
Hoosiers—A tale of redemption, overcoming obstacles, and fighting inner demons to become an inspiration for your team.
Rudy—How hard work fighting adversity can help you become an inspirational leader.
Miracle—The importance of coaching each individual on a team to fulfill their unique potential.

Examples of Bad Leadership:
The Godfather—A good example showing that leaders shouldn’t use violence or fear tactics to accomplish their goals—it will backfire.
Star Wars (IV-VI)—Darth Vader’s harassment and torture (and execution) of his subordinates would definitely count as bad leadership.
Office Space—How a boss SHOULDN’T act in the workplace.  Basically, a boss should do the opposite of anything Gary Cole does.
Nine to Five—Another movie where people should aim to do the opposite of anything Dabney Coleman’s sexist and arrogant character (the boss) does.

Special thanks goes out to the members of The Booth Company’s Boulder headquarters for their input, suggestions, and friendly debate about what makes a great leadership movie.