like a bullet in the mind.

Well what can I say - my first week in Tallinn has been an eventful one - i managed to fall down the stairs at work and hurt my hand, got lost quite a few times and were in a car accident - so yay! I never want to post anything when i'm in a bad mood, cause i want my blog to be a positive place where people can come and read and enjoy.. but right now I have no choice cause the dorm I'm living in has no proper internet connection so I have to take advantage of the situation and make the post now. But I hope you guys like the pictures and I'm so sorry - I know this post is so utterly boring but I have some more interesting stuff coming up soon-soon, I know i say that every time.. but just bare with me :)
So here are some photographs I took this weekend - this is my dorm room that I share, I tried to make it feel a bit more like home so I bought this awesome retro looking alarm clock, haha I dind't have enough for the batteries though.. so it doesn't work, but i love it anyways, also got the silly mug that says "I love daughter" (saywhat??) but you know - just to enjoy the little things, right? :)

( I used CanonEOS 400D and 50mm lens for the pictures)
Florence + The Machine - Dog Days Are Over