Spinning on that dizzy edge.

I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting lately - well that's just because I 've been looking like a beat up old dog from all the stress and lack of sleep. As many of you art students might know - university interviews have started so I need to get my portfolio together and looking good, also juggling with school, my diploma work and other projects - ooh.. the pain. Yeah, but what'cha gonna do. Just need to find ways to keep myself alive motivated.

" Before I die..."

by Candy Chang.

Anyways.. I also wanted to tell you about  Candy Chang - a public installation artist, designer and an urban planner who's projects have really touched and inspired me. This is one of her latest projects "before I die.." where she turned an abandoned building into a an art installation - where the residents can fill in the blanks and remember what is truly important to them in life. I have to say that this really got me thinking .. what would I write ? I think there isn't enough wall space in the world to fit all the things I want to do before I die. Isn't it wonderful.

" It’s about turning a neglected space into a constructive one where we can learn the hopes and aspirations of the people around us."

"before I die I want to .. apologize, be forgiven, be free."
( photos from: candychang.com )

And some random shots I took during this week. I found this gorgeous black sheer fabric the other day that really inspired me, I think i might go back and get some more. But enjoy the pictures and let me know what you think! :)

Veel tahtsin kõikidele õrnema sugupoole esindajatele edastada minu head ja väga hilinenud naistepäeva soovid. Ma loodan, et Teid kõiki peeti ikka meeles, toodi lilli.. ja et oli üks ütlemata mõnus päev! Olge tublid mu hiirekesed! :)

( I used CanonEOS 400D and 50mm lens for the pictures )
The Boxer Rebellion - If You Run