Important Personal Technology Products

Windows 7 from Microsoft

Most people use PCs and not macs. So coming to terms with Microsoft's new PC operating system is a big deal. Windows 7 pretty much requires a clean wipe of your hard drive before installation. Even tech-savvy PC users may be challenged to move all their program files to a remote hard drive, clear their PC, install Windows 7, then move their files back onto their PC. Despite an ad campaign that, for Microsoft, actually borders on being hip, the world of Windows is challenging. It will be easier for many people to simply buy a new PC, but this still means lots of thinking, and work, about migrating existing files and software.

iTunes from Apple

Accessing the exploding world of digital content-music, podcasts, videos, books, articles-is a necessary ticket to staying connected. While there are many ways to do this, iTunes is a free and relatively intuitive tool for the job. It is still true that Apple products don't play nicely with PCs, but the inconveniences are tolerable in relation to the benefits of iTunes. In the works, according to Apple watchers, is the capability for users to access iTunes files from any Web browser. iTunes files thus could be played anywhere. This might also involve a new business model of one-time listening rights as opposed to purchases. Google will be hard on Apple's heels, so expect iTunes to draw some very serious competition.

The Nook E-Reader from Barnes & Noble

Making the transition to virtual books may be one of the greatest technological divides for older consumers. Before deciding that this is a game you don't want to play, you should at least try reading books or lengthy text files on your computer. There are free readers for this, and many public-domain book titles you can explore without incurring purchase fees. And if you decide to make the jump to a dedicated book reader, you will have solid choices. The latest challenge to the Amazon Kindle, the Nook can download books and other texts wirelessly. It also has a touch-based navigation screen. The unit has been delayed and is sold out for the holidays. That may be good news, as operating flaws have been noted by early reviewers, and software upgrades are in the works.

Flip from Cisco

Another big generational divide is the explosion of user-generated video content. Like it or not, communication is becoming a more visual process. If you want to make the leap, consider the Flip. This cellphone-size camcorder can be partnered with a wireless device that will transmit files from a computer to a receiver connected to a TV. With FlipShare TV, users can share videos with other FlipShare TV users, in effect creating their own private TV networks.

Wii from Nintendo

Gaming systems once seemed only for guys who wanted to kill a few thousand zombies before breakfast. And it's true that male-oriented shooter and sports games still tend to dominate the bestsellers for PlayStation and Xbox users. However, the Wii has emerged as the video-gaming system for the rest of us, thanks to a motion-based remote that permits users to engage in a growing range of sports, physical fitness, and family-friendly games for people of all ages.

Silhouette by Silhouette

Technology is increasingly enriching hobbies and other creative activities. Digital paper cutters, for example, are increasingly being linked to personal computers. One of them, the Silhouette, looks like a paper printer but users a small blade to cut whatever designs or fonts the computer tells it to. Many older consumers find that they lack the digital dexterity and endurance for the repetitive and detailed handwork required for crafts. Digital devices can shoulder a lot of the physical burden.

Ion TTUSB from Ion Audio

Raise your hands if your basement or attic is home to a decaying inventory of records, tapes, and other analog media that have been left behind in the rush to digital content. It's getting easier and cheaper to salvage these old treasures, thanks to companies like Ion, which makes digitization products to convert old-format records, audiocassettes, videotapes, photographs, and slides. Its turntables, for example, will play your old vinyl records over your stereo and also convert the tracks into MP3s or CDs.

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