It is challenging enough to find the perfect way to tie all your business documents, books and presentations. But when the documents you are trying to bind is thicker than normal, the task can be even more daunting. 1.By far the cheapest method for binding documents are thicker plastic comb binding. This method is great for documents up to two inches thick. Oval-shaped chamber used to hold the pages together securely, and the pages lie flat, which makes copying and reading a breeze. All boards that are 1-1/4 "and larger, oval shaped and have special locks to keep your pages from falling out if the document is picked up by the spine. 2nd Double boundary wire is another great method and because a hard cover that can be used is a better choice for higher profile
presentations and proposals. normally used only for documents up to one and one quarter inch thick, it's still a good choice. 3rd Spiral Coil binding is probably suitable best for smaller books, but it can actually be used for documents up to one inch. Any thicker than this, and deployment will be very difficult, and feel of the book suffers a bit because it may be a little harder to turn the pages. The extra weight thicker document might tend to get broadband to be a little deformed. Use of an oval hole pattern can make the paste easier and will allow pages to turn more freely when binding larger documents. 4th If documents you want to bind more than two inches thick, the only system on the market currently GBC Velobind or Sure Bind binding system. Some of the drawbacks of this system is that the documents produced do not lie flat for easy copying, and when the pages book, they are impossible to change. This means that Velobind is probably not a good solution if you produce a document that will ever be necessary to amend or edited. But it is a good choice for large annual reports or legal projects who will benefit from the certainty that this binding system offers 5. If you are looking for that perfect-bound look for a particular production run, thermal binding might be the way to go. Thermaltake binding works great for books up to two inches thick, and the binding machine is very easy to use. A small minus is that the covers can take up to two weeks to be delivered, and if you typically use more than just a couple of different sizes, deliveries can begin to be expensive. 6th Unibind Steel ramifications come in many sizes and are in stock and sent quickly, so this is a good choice for your large documents. In addition to providing a unique steel design spine, Unibind machines is also very easy to use, requires no special training whatsoever. Unibind expired and covers are available in sizes up to 36mm (approx. 1-1/2 "). 7. Screw Posts are tried and true method for binding thicker documents, although the final result is not so high end that you might like for your important presentations and proposals. Also known as "Chicago screws" screw posts are available in sizes up to four inches, and even come with extensions that make it possible are likely to bind documents up to five or six inches thick.