By learning a variety of stories from all these people, I tried comparing my own stories of frustration and the challenges that I even had to go through while I was on track to reach my goal time, which of course was one day to leave my day job working as a wage earner (where I had to drag me to and from the company based on a daily basis), to finally becoming a completely full-time home-based workers.
What I found out about other people's stories and my kind of aroused my curiosity even more to the whole idea of trying to create a completely reliable income without having to leave his home and family on a daily routine. Yes, although I have reached the goal for me already, I still could not accept the fact that a lot of individuals just could not make that dream for them, no matter how hard they try.
What stunned me even more is the fact that those who are far more privileged with resources to achieve this goal is not those who end up with quite a success. But rather those with limited resources in many different forms because of a number of reasons (such as financial ineptitude and nationality), are the ones who make it to the promise land of their dreams.
I do not know, whichever of these two groups of successful candidates would you consider yourself to belong, but here are some of the factors which I think is the most responsible for them either to keep or bring certain individuals to achieve the goal to become full-time worker from home.
Lack of discipline - probably you have this factor in mind also that the biggest reason not to achieve online success. Believe it or not, an online business needs a lot more ounce discipline to throw rather than just a physical store where your competition is only as far as your eyes can see near the area you set up your business. With the online business, you push yourself hard to stick to your schedule and be forced to sacrifice a lot of the usual time, which was previously allocated for fun in exchange for performing several important things for your goal .
Lack of focus - this factor comes in second place because of its extreme importance as well. In my years of doing business online, I realized that discipline and focus are tandem in the form of success. These 2 factors go hand in hand - because without focus, you can not follow ac certain types or direction, and without discipline you have no specific timeframe to think about when you get to your destination if you ever get there.
Lack of desire to succeed - some people just do not have as much pleasure in them to succeed. Although many are trying to embark on the hard journey, a lot of them running out of motivation to go on somewhere en route. Remember, no one is exempt from adversity. The few who never quit, no matter how far or how long a journey, they have already endured, will probably succeed in one way or another.
Lack of interest in learning - it is a factor which I admit has really struggle with. As a matter of fact, until now, I still find myself getting lazy to explore more. If you are a person who is afraid to keep learning new things (like me), so it is a big problem. Online industry is a highly competitive world to do business. Technology and several other things to keep changing for the better. Technical things like programming with applications to upgrade itself to cope up with growing demand from users.
But then again if you can at least master the first 3 factors, I first mentioned, so this will not be a problem. If you have so much pleasure for you to get to where you want, I bet you will break a leg (of yours) to get it. Well, what would it take you to stay there a failure all your life?
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