Thus evolved the science of search engine optimization, which includes key word count, edit meta tags, link management. Webmasters can spend weeks, even months, fine tuning of these elements, but like any other product, it requires a spin. This is what the search engine spider simulators are for.
A search engine spider simulator, also known as search engine robot simulator, which allows you to see the page as other Web crawlers do. "Robots" is an industry term that describes how Google, et. al scour the web for new pages. They are like electronic detectives, with each given a specific task. Some robots are designed to follow every link, downloading as many pages as possible for a given index or a query. Others are programmed to look for new content.
Both these bots play a major role in whether your site ends up in the top 15 ... or languishes at the bottom.
For example, the bot to pick up on your links? JavaScript error may also cause the bot to miss the important links, and we all know how important incoming links are search engine ranking.
Is it index every page on your site? It is very possible that a programming glitch getting robot to jump a large portion of your content. There goes all your efforts to increase the keywords or optimize the titles and Cross-Frames!
It is also possible that the robots are basing your position on old versions of your website, unable to recognize the changes you made. You might as well have not done anything.
You may also have made the mistake of accidentally blocking a bot to examine a part of your site. Although it is important to restrict website users access to sensitive information, for example, set aside a company's internal network to the personal information about members who signed up for a newsletter, or premium pages you'd rather reserve for paying subscribers -bot should be given free reign, if only to improve your chances of getting a higher ranking. If not, it's like to throw the bot with the bathwater.
It would be impossible to pick up on these errors, without actually restoring how bots crawl your site. You can do this by using a robot simulation software, many of which are available on the Internet using the same processes and strategies in different search engines, these programs "read" your site and advise you about which pages are skipped, which links are ignored, and what mistakes the meetings. You can also review robot.txt files, which will enable you to spot potential problems and correct them before sending them to real search engines.
You will be surprised how many things you will find out whether Web robots, and how the bells and whistles many webmasters include on-site to do something to improve search engine ranking. For example, general search engine robots can not see the flash-based content, content that is made via javascript like javascript menus and content displayed as an image. You'll also be able to monitor how robots will follow your hyperlinks, very crucial, if you run a great site with sprawling content.
See, that's why robotic simulators are a webmaster best friend.