Nokia 5230 touch screen phone Candybaar is now available Rs. 8500 in the Indian market. Nokia 5230 has a 3.2 inches screen with 16 million colors and a 2 MP camera that can shoot videos at 30 fps. The phone is capable of playing most formats available. It comes with an inbuilt memory of 70 MB which can be expandable to 16 GB. The phone has a symbian operating system with an Arm 11 434 MHz and other utility features include GPRS, EDGE, Blue tooth, micro USB and document viewer for the Office package. An application which detects hand writing with sensors is also in the phone. The phone comes in black and white colors. It supports 3D, 64-tone polyphonic, mp3 and video ring tones. Phone comes with installed applications such as voice command/ dial, photo editor, Flash Lite 3.0, Document viewer. The handset also offers access to networking sites and offers Nokia Messaging Service which can manage up to 10 email accounts.