Motherboard manufacturer, Micro Star International (MSI), which entered India market in 2005, wants to be among the top 10 notebook vendors in the country by 2011. To drive this growth, company is putting a lot of thrust on its channels. The Taiwan-based company recently launched 14 new notebooks and netbooks. The new launches are across five series including high-performance G-series gaming notebooks, the Classic series, the E-series entertainment notebooks, the extra-lightweight X-Slim series and the ultra-thin U-series Wind Netbooks. While the netbook range starts from Rs 19,000, the gaming range, with Intel’s latest Core i7 Quad core CPU, starts from Rs 88,000. Company’s newly appointed Managing Director for India, Tony Yang, said, “Initially, we will focus on the top 10 cities in the country. We will open exclusive MSI stores in the four metros this year. Our market strategy is two-fold. In order to increase our visibility among the consumers, we’ve tied up large format retail stores like Reliance, Croma nd eZone. For the tier-2 markets, we’ve hired Delhi-based Iris Computers, and Salora International, Mumbai-based Priya Ltd and Chennai-based Top Notch as our national distributors for both our consumer and commercial range. Our initial focus would be the consumer segment and then we’ll look at the high margin, commercial segment.”
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