Free Professional cheap web hosting is the simplest form of web hosting that you can get. This type of web hosting is usually supported by ads on hosted web sites. Features of this type of web hosting is limited and therefore it is a better solution for people just starting out on the internet and are interested in having a small site with little traffic. The type of domain one receives free web hosting is typically a subdomain or a folder. Most free web hosts do not have support for MySQL, multiple e-mail accounts, and PHP.
Shared web hosting is actually the most popular type of web hosting service. Shared web hosting allows more than a place to host on the same server. In addition, hosts provide system administration. For users who do not want to have trouble with running a jacket, shared web hosting is a good choice. Each hosting plan can vary, but most hosts provide the user with features such as PHP, ASP, MySQL, more bandwidth and more email addresses. More services are often available in shared web hosting than are available with a simple free web hosting (including the ability to get your own domain name!).
The last two types of web hosting are managed dedicated web hosting, and managed dedicated web hosting. Dedicated web hosting is a wise choice for someone who wants more space and bandwidth, and also wants features not available with shared and free web hosting. In dedicated servers, users are not restricted to a number of databases and e-mail addresses. Furthermore, users usually receive a very large amount of bandwidth compared to other hosting types. The typical dedicated server plan provides the user with 500 to 1000 GB monthly bandwidth.
In unmanaged dedicated web hosting, the user is the server administrator. This gives the user the greatest amount of control and flexibility. Naturally, many people do not know how to handle the task to be a server administrator and do not want to learn. Therefore, this is not a viable option for some.
When looking for a web host, it is important to consider the purpose of the website, and what your abilities are. Pricing of hosts is dependent on the support, reliability, functionality and security you want. Choose a type of web hosting may seem like a daunting task, but simply to investigate and make an educated decision should provide satisfaction and success on this critical issue.