In this post, I list the various levels of interactivity seen in presentations. (Note: In this post, the presentation, I think. PPT,. PPTX or similar computer-generated slide decks, and not the act of presenting.)
Level 0: Text Bullets and pictures
This is where most presentations are today. Each page shows a lot of balls with static text, and sometimes there are a few pictures, and you go from one page to another.
Level 1: Transitions, Build-ups Effects
Here, the presentation creative use slide transitions, slide build-ups and push feature animated effects. A variation often seen include click-based slide arms. Each time the presenter clicks the mouse, a new bullet will be added. While all this jazzes up slides a bit, that interactivity is superficial at best.
Level 2: Improved internal and external navigation
Often confused with interactivity, it is simply the use of interface elements - such as buttons and hyperlinks - which gives presenter to navigate quickly to another location within the presentation. It also allows the presenter to open a document or a webpage or play a sound, video or a movie, click on a button or a hyperlink.
Issues, polls, quizzes and such basic interactive elements found on this level.
Level 4: Essential Interactivity
Presentations that make a significant interactivity allows rich navigational metaphors such as flip-books, panning maps and 3D objects, story-building metaphors such as sprite animations, guided tours, charts and chart the build-ups, and interactive visual support functions such as construction -- up, roll over and Drilldown.
Level 5: Advanced Interactivity
Presentations Advanced interactivity, allowing the presenter to accept public input and selectively available information by adjusting the input. Advanced interactvity also group activities such as game shows and competitions, participation flavor enhancers as brainstorming sessions and key takeaways, collaborative exercises and so on.
As you go from level 0 to level 5, the consequences of a presentation goes up several times because the audience becomes involved progressively greater in the presentation. Of course the presenter has the ultimate power, but a well-designed slides with sufficient interactivity will make the job much easier.