Google India on Tuesday announced the arrival of the Google Internet Bus, a mobile campaign aimed to reach out to people in tier II and III towns with limited exposure to the internet. After covering Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh, Google India kick-starts its 2010 journey in Rajasthan. The bus is designed to provide an Internet experience to the people. The 30-day journey in Rajasthan will be covering Jaipur, Kota, Ajmer, Beawer, Bhilwara, Udaipur, Pali, Jodhpur, Bikaner and Sikar With a focus on four themes, information, communication, entertainment and education, the Internet Bus will have content in English and Hindi to give users an understanding of how the internet can be used for all these needs. It is a Google India's exercise to learn from users on their requirement. The bus experience is specially designed to familiarise people with various applications and services that they can use to make their life simple. In addition to basic familiarisation on using services like search, email, social networking and online maps, the bus will also aim to reach out to first-time users who have little or no exposure to the Internet.
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