The images that have higher number of bytes, or is misplaced can cost you a higher amount. Also they need more storage space and bandwidth as well. Usually, most web hosting providers offer limited amount of web storage space and fixed data transfer rate. Therefore avoid wasting space on the network using large pictures, which ultimately increase the bandwidth and get you to pay extra for it.
This would lead to losing money and also the loss of potential customers on your site. The pictures are great to take a long time to load, it is proven stuff, if a webpage takes more than 10 seconds to load the visitor can click on the 'back' button. Ultimately, its Web traffic that generates money, so it is important to maintain the performance of the website.
To resolve this problem by optimizing it from SEO perspective. Over-sized images can be compressed so they take up less space on the web. Familiar formats. Jpg and. Gif formats, especially for logos. Gif works best regard to photos. Jpg works best. The main objective is to minimize the number of bytes graphics without compromising on quality.
You can find many different types of image optimization tools for free which can reduce problems and increase search engine optimization effectiveness. When you upload your images, these tools manipulate them and present many smaller versions of the graphic images. Select the image that is of good quality and have spent less bytes. These tools make it possible to reduce the graphic size up to 70% still maintain image quality.
Take all necessary steps for image optimization on your website and ensure that it loads in less time. Using image editing software to remove additional information that is not needed, can reduce image file size without compromising its appearance.
When Photoshop is used, and an image is stored in. Jpeg format, automatically displays a dialog thats allows you to select the JPEG image quality. Generally 8-10 option is fair enough for the photos, which it maintains its quality even in a smaller file format. In case you do not have access to Photoshop, there are other image compressors available online at no cost, which can be used to download the object and image size reduction.