Priced at Rs26.55 lakh and Rs27.86 lakhs, Prius hybrid from Toyota have found display at the Auto Expo in New Delhi. With the launch Toyota seems to have fulfilled its commitment towards eco-friendly cars in India, said its Deputy MD. This 3rd generation Prius has a 1.8 lit petrol engine with a battery of 60KW and has 3 driving modes- power, Eco mode and Electric vehicle mode(battery). The vehicle has been in the highlight since 1997 as the first hybrid vehicle in the world and continues the same stint with a sale volume of 1.5 million. Toyota emphasized its continued fervor for enviro-friendly cars in India with Altis CNG and Innova CNG and Camry – all at display in the Expo. Prius will be imported as CBUs against the already firm orders numbering 200 from Toyota Kirloskar Motors for sale during March-December this year, he added.