It is certainly hard to imagine a car without an audio system in it. Definitely a car audio system is equally important that any owner and the range available to choose from it is just gigantic. Many car audio systems consist of many parts, for example head units, amplifiers, speakers and an auxiliary input device and they work together to complement each other and will not work on an individual basis.

The main unit is like the brain or central processing unit of a computer and through this unit it controls such things as tuning, volume, bass and equalizer etc. There are various types of head units out there, some which only allows you to play tapes, CDs or radio, while others give you a choice. There are some devices that can hold numerous CDs (a CD changer (usually held in the boot area of the vehicle)) and allows you to move between the CDs without having to take the CD out.

As for speakers, which certainly a very important part of any car audio system that you want to hear what is playing. But again there are many styles out there from say cone version through the ribbon version, and each has its advantages and disadvantages (this is something you'll have to look at).

Next we come into the amplifier, which allows the system to enhance or increase the signals from the device to make them audible. You will discover that there are different models of these also available from mono to stereo right through to multi-channel versions.

When looking to buy a car audio system the ranges available start from the more basic style through to the very high end quality systems or if you want something a little more funky you can get it too. Although a basic system will not normally be too expensive, and the sound quality is generally quite good, the components are made of, is only a standard quality. Also when you look at a car audio system you have to decide what it should be used for, say, for example, you decide you do not require a tape player but are after a CD player, so it is better to spend your money to invest in a good quality CD player rather than a cheap combination model (tape & CD player).

If you decide to purchase a basic system then only allow for front speakers and avoid getting rear ones.

The more advanced models that are now on the market are not only more compact in size, but can occur with or without a remote control and a range of other functions that you can not begin to understand.

But you buy at the end of the day will all depend on your budget and personal choice, and as you build your own unit or buy an system already for installation. You may find that many of the brandied name versions are more expensive, although they come with a warranty, and are usually much easier to service. For such things as speakers it is always a good idea to purchase speakers a reliable and tested manufacturer (do not forget if the sound quality is poor, you have wasted money that could have easily been raised to buy a better set of speakers).
