Lava International Limited, Noida, UP based mobile manufacturer is all set to launch its new GSM mobile phone, Lava A9.Company recently launched KKT 24 dual SIM mobile in India few months back. Lava A9 is affordable phone features with expandable memory, powerful camera, 920mAh battery and pre-loaded with useful applications. With 256MB internal memory Lava A9 has up to 8GB expandable memory via MicroSD card slot, powered with MTK 6235 chipset and has 2.4 inches TFT display with 240 x 320 resolution. Phone has 3.2 camera with some basic camera functions. For entertainment purpose phone has FM, MP3 and MP4 player and has Bluetooth for file transfer. The phone is EDGE/GPRS enabled and pre-loaded with Nimbuzz and Opera Mini applications. Also Lava A9 features with contacts backup utility.Other features includes, Java, e-mail, WAP 2.0 and games. Phone will be available in Red and Silver combination.Lava International not yet officially announce the price of A9 but it will be available at estimated retail price tag of Rs. 3400.