Did you know that the values associated with colors can have a significant impact on your website success? And did you know that you can change your visitor's feeling, mood and reaction by using different colors on your website?
Some professional web designers are not aware of the consequences of a single color can have on their project when designing a website for their clients. In reality, the importance of colors send the first message on your website to your visitors. You do not need to be a genius to figure out why, since it is obvious that the first thing they (visitors) see is the color of your site!
We have studied one hundred visitors to evaluate their patience to upload a webpage. Firstly, we tried a completely black background page and the average waiting time was up to 2.47 seconds. So we tried a white background page and the average wait time to upload the webpage, rose to 4.89 seconds.
The reason is simply afraid. People are afraid of black and dark, and they feel vulnerable when they see a completely black page. we will not go into detail on this subject in this article, but if you want to know more, you can always visit our website at websitedevelopmenttech.com and get more information on color psychology.
What color should you use when designing your site?
Before answering this question, you should do some research on your target and find out about their character, behavior, mood, emotion ... etc. We are not asking you to go and find each and interviewing them to find out their feelings and emotions. Everything you need to do is find the answers to these two questions:
1. What is the segmentation that you are targeting?
a. Age
b. Gender
c. Culture
d. Geographic location
2. Why are they coming to your site?
Let us take a closer look at these two issues.
A. segmentation:
a. Age: What is the most appropriate color for the age group that your site is targeting.
b. Gender: Men and women have different tastes, and they react differently to colors. For example, pink color is more appealing to women.
c. Culture: Colors mean different things to different cultures around the world. People associate colors with specific events in their culture. For example, white is a symbol of purity and virtue in some cultures, while in others white is associated with mourning and grief.
d. Geographical situation: Sometimes location can change people's interpretation of certain colors. For example, a trend of people living in a desert area to be more passionate towards bright colors from yellow to orange vs. people who live in the mountains.
B. Why are they coming to your site?
a. It is a very important issue, which is crucial for the mood and feeling of your visitors. For example, people with a lawyer or a doctor's website because they have a problem and they will be fixed. This means that they are not really excited or happy about that question. While this may not be the case always, there are some exceptions such as plastic surgeons, patent attorneys ... etc.
As a designer, when you know your target markets, so you can decide what color to choose to get the best possible result for your site. Sometimes you end up changing some colors that you thought would be interesting to your visitors.
Remember that no matter how much you know and how hard you try, there is no guarantee that you can make it the first time. It is therefore important to monitor performance of your website and how visitors interact with your site so you can change your mistakes and learn from it.