To ensure the efficient functioning of directories search engines have been armed with content filters. This removes or filters to copy content from the pages it is indexing. And the most hurtful punishment is lower positions.
Unfortunately, these filters not only catch the crooks, but web pages really well. What webmasters have to do is understand how the filters function and know what action to take to avoid being filtered.
When a search engine sends spiders filters omits or si:
• Websites that feature identical content. And once on a website webmaster includes multiple copies or versions of pages to fool search engines. Filters are also very sensitive to "hidden" pages.
• Content masked by different packaging. Known as "scraped content" this repetition of pages with little or no relevant changes fall prey to the filters.
• Product descriptions featured in e-commerce sites. Most e-commerce sites publish next to a product manufacturer, product description, this content is then displayed on the zillion of e-commerce sites that fall victim to filters.
• Articles distributed widely over the network. While some engines are programmed to find the origin of the article are others who might not be able to buy origins.
• Pages that are not duplicates, but contains the same basic material written by different people.
To get the better of filters, you must:
• Use a tool like Similar Page Checker to ensure that the pages on your site is not mirroring content from other sites. If there are other URLs with similar or identical content tool will reveal them to you, and you will be able to make changes to your pages.
• Be on guard, and who has "helped" to your content. Using you can determine which sites have stolen or copied your work.
• Even if you do not use distributed content you can add a comment, or make changes to the side to focus on its relevance to your website. By making any content of your own you make it unique and different, and it will ensure that pages are not filtered out of search engines.
• Even if you run an e-commerce site, you must include product descriptions and not your typical run of the mill.
Lean as much as you can copy the contents and its dangers. Read the questions that were discussed at SES 2006 in New York Session and other forums. Remember, most search engines, Google, Yahoo or Open Directory Project does not want to be flooded with duplicate content and pages.
Jake Baillie, president of True Local included in duplicate content errors to be: circular navigation; printable pages; inconsistent relations; product only pages; transparent serving areas, and poor disguise.
It is important for websites to get high ranking through fair and not evil.