Why Link?
There are only a few ways you can generate traffic to your website. You can pay someone to generate leads, but you have no way of knowing whether your visitors are interested in your product, service or message. Some organizations that promise thousands of visitors to your site deliver, but the problem is the people who visit are not targeted to match your product, service or message.
You can advertise on or offline to generate leads, you can wait and see and hope someone finds your website among the tens of millions, or you can actively generate traffic yourself.
If you create links to other sites with high traffic, some of the people who visit these sites to click on links and visit your site. Let's face it, if nobody visits your site, chances to sell something or get your message read is minimal. So should generate targeted visitors to be one of your top priorities. Of targeted visitors, we think people who bought a similar product or service to you or who are predisposed to do so.
Making Links
When we started we would associate place a keyword in a search engine and then look for sites that were suitable to exchange links. We had to find more sites, email them and occasionally get a response. We tried to find link partners for whom our products and services were complementary - so they could add value to their customers, while making us a good trip.
The process worked, but we had to spend an inordinate amount of time to do it, so we were looking for a better way, and could not believe our luck when we found a program designed specifically for this type of activity. The program automates a large part of the process, then, one evening a week for about two or three hours, we work with it to find and contact potential link partners.
Measuring progress
At the end of each month, we measure our site popularity, links, traffic volume, sales, cost of sales ratio, pay-for-click search engine rankings, etc. and compare statistics with the previous month. Slowly but surely, our website get a higher ranking in search engines and we get more referred traffic from sites that we have exchanged links.
Link management is a big issue. If you want to read more and download a free software program that will find out within minutes how many sites related to yours, visit this page www.dwave.com.au / link management.html