When you first enter the site you can either paste in a particular part of the text in the designated area, or simply enter the URL of the whole website, you want analyzed. Then you can choose what analysis options you want to perform. As the smallest characters per word, whether you want it to ignore the numbers, and a couple more. Once you have chosen your options, so just click analyze the text, thus returning you complete a very detailed analysis.
At the top of your analysis shows that some basic text information such as total number of words, number of different words used, a phrase count lix ranging from easy to hard. This little function is useful because you absolutely want the text on your page to be easy for the viewer to read.
The next and perhaps most important function that shows you the events and the frequency at which the best keywords for your page pops up. It places them from number one word to whichever number you would like it to stop at. Indicated on the options you selected before you analyze the text. This special feature is very nice to SEO is to see when it lists the top words on a Web site and the density / frequency, as they seem. So an example of how this could help would be if you were against having a particular keyword density for a particular keyword on your site. Thus allowing you to figure out whether to add more or less by word in order to meet the density needed for search engines to list you for that keyword.
This is not simply tell you your top ranking keywords that tell you the best words, phrases, ranging from 2 to 5 words, words, phrases. It gives the count of how many times that phrase was used, and also shows the frequency relative to the rest of the text on the page.
Anyone who is in the internet marketing field in particular, marketing professionals who optimize their websites for search engine traffic can make great use of this free tool. We find great use of this tool for the process of our keyword research which is essential for any search engine optimization campaign.