As early as the 1950s, people were beginning to have televisions in their homes, although in practice a home television set would not become widespread until the 1960s. Suddenly the average person will be a spectator to historical events, see the latest news and spend hours being entertained.
In the early days of television, an analog signal transmitted audio and video, which would be a picture on the home TV sets. The early home, used a tube technology - it took a long time to warm up sufficiently to produce an image. The analogue signal was subjected to blurry images that can fade out completely different conditions. A home typically had an antenna, either on top of the television set itself or outside the house. Adjust the antenna to help reception of the image.
Many things have changed since the early days of television. Analog signals are still used, although high definition digital signals are becoming more common.
Remarkably, there has always been experimental and progress of work, many are on drawing boards long before they are introduced to the public. In the case of plasma TV, the idea has been around almost as long as video technology. The first plasma screen was actually built by a college professor and his students as early as the 1964th The idea was good, but the high end televisions simply were not practical for the signal technology of the day. After all, there was great need for a display that could produce a better picture than the TV stations could send!
The reason that the early development was not directed at the television industry, but was used to display information in an educational context. When the television industry started looking at newer and better technology for tube-type television, which is commonly used in the 1960s, the plasma was actually considered, but only briefly. Ultimately, it was more practical idea liquid screen television screens, and it will be many more years before the plasma TV option was again taken into account.