Committing to a Cell Phone Plan - the Critical First Days

Many consumers have had the experience of hearing a sales pitch and is sufficiently impressed to buy the goods or services, only to discover that the reality was somewhat less than expected. When the purchase involves a device or service that we tend to rely on every day, and which potentially binds us to this service in the coming years, this could be a very bitter pill to swallow. With cell phone plans, which typically extend over two years, buyers must be assured that service and the phone itself will live up to their expectations.

Smart shopping up front can certainly go to great lengths to ensure that consumers receive the mobile phone and service they expect. To ensure that the wireless provider has sufficient coverage in areas where a person must routinely place or receive calls can help to reduce the likelihood that dropped calls and gaps in coverage are problematic. Such issues are one of the most common causes cited by dissatisfied customers who want to cancel a cell phone plan too early.

Reading the written contract is also crucial to ensure the service offered is because the sales person describing it. Despite what a seller may say it is the written contract which will determine the cellular service provider can be held accountable for delivering. Realize, for example, that roaming charges are added to a frequently called long distance number only after an exorbitant bill is received, can be a painful experience. The wise consumer also includes a copy of the contract on hand just in case of disputes arising later.

But even with a significant part of the study the experience of using a particular cell phone plan can still fail to meet customer expectations. Coverage may be available in a given area, but call quality can be poor. The phone itself can not do well. The pricing for some calling features may be significantly different than what consumers understood them to be below the sales process.

Because of the possibility of such differences in expectations versus reality, it is extremely critical for consumers to make full use of the assessment period, they are permitted on most mobile phone plans. To ensure that they purchased the plan allows for a 14-30 day trial period where the phone can be returned or plan may be canceled without termination fees should be a factor in the selection of the service. Again, this cancellation in writing within the contract.

Consumers should fully assess their new mobile phone plan in the initial period to ensure that it will meet their current needs. Is the call of acceptable quality? Is the call dropped? Does the phone perform as expected? Users should also keep an eye on fees. Checking the bill online is possible in many cases, instead of waiting to receive in the mail. Probably not all problems can be identified in such a short time, but many can. The critical first few weeks of a new cell phone plan is often all consumers have to give them the opportunity to evaluate and terminate if necessary, without penalty.

To ensure the cancellation and return of mobile phone goes smoothly in the event that this is necessary, consumers should keep the receipts, a copy of the contract and the original packaging for mobile phones. A telephone in good condition and timely compliance with the timetable provided by the contract cancellation policy will help ensure that there is no termination fined.

Although the consumer may terminate cell phone plans too early, but not without significant penalties. Options are also available online, giving dissatisfied cell phone owners plan to identify others are willing to accept their current level, but again these options are not quite cost or risk free.

Although there is no current legislation to allow others access to consumers who have legitimate problems with their cellular service provider, there are some signs that the future can provide extra protection. In Washington state, for example, legislation is currently being considered to allow consumers to cancel cell phone plan contracts without financial penalty if they are experiencing dropped calls or large gaps in coverage. Currently, however, those consumers must make use of an effective means to ensure that they receive the service they expect: the cancellation policy in the contract that gives them a window of time to evaluate and terminate if necessary.