When beginning your search for a 30 inch LCD TV, you should start by reading reviews of various 30 inch LCD TV models. This will give you an idea of what features you will be looking for. Consumer Reports is a good place to start looking for a 30 inch LCD TV, because they will give you unbiased report on all major name brands.
When you have an idea of what kind of 30-inch LCD TV, as you search, you can start comparing prices online. There are so many online stores out there that offer 30-inch LCD TV that you want someone problems finding an agreement. There are a few pointers to note, before whipping out your credit card to make a purchase of a 30-inch LCD TV online.
Firstly, you must take delivery of your 30 "LCD TV into account. Shipping for an item of this size and weight can be much more than a hundred dollars, which will increase the total price you pay. You must also ensure that you buy your 30 "LCD TV from a reputable dealer online. Read their customer reviews and make sure other people have been happy with their customer service. Also make sure that they offer the kind of guarantees, and anything else that you would be offered when purchasing a 30 inch LCD TV from a reputable brick and mortar retail store as Best Buy and Circuit City.
That said, here is a review of a 30-inch LCD TV and the cheapest price found on the web to get you started on your quest for the perfect model.
Dude! You get a Dell! Dell W3000 is a wonderful 30 inch LCD TV for multimedia customer. This 30 "LCD TV model has an aspect ratio of 16:9 and a resolution of 1280 x 768 This means you will have a widescreen sharp image regardless of what you see. Because this 30-inch LCD TV is brought to you by Dell, of course you are able to connect your screen up to your computer and use it as a high-resolution computer monitor. Although it does not come with a built-in HDTV tuner, this 30 inch LCD TV is HDTV compatible.