Tata Motors, along with the Fiat group, has been keeping pace with the eight per cent growth recorded by the automobile industry in the first four months of the current fiscal but the high growth rate of 20 per cent-plus registered by the industry during 2005-07 'may not happen', according to a senior executive of Tata Motors Ltd. The company is working on the launch of a refurbished sedan Indigo, which is expected to roll out in the third quarter of this year. Tata Motors to invest Rs 8,000 cr Speaking to newspersons on the sidelines of the opening of the second Tata Motors showroom here, S. Krishnan, Vice President-Commercial (Passenger Cars), Tata Motors, said as a matter of policy he would not like to discuss the targeted annual sales of Tata cars. Industry growth The automobile industry had grown at about 8 per cent in the first four months of the current fiscal and Tata Motors, along with Fiat, has been 'growing at that pace' and has been seeing that 'growth about sustaining'. Tata Motors expects JLR funding sans UK govt's guarantee.
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