Srinagar , Aug 14 Jammu and Kashmir government plans to provide 3,900 solar lights worth Rs 6 crore to the villages where there is no electricity in Gurez area of Bandipora district under Remote Village Electrification (RVE) programme."The families living in villages without power in Gurez would be provided solar lights for which only five per cent of the total cost would be charged from them," Minister for Science and Technology Aga Syed Ruhulla said, while launching the programme at Banuab Tulail, 140 kms from here, yesterday. The minister also announced setting up of a 5 KV solar power unit at Dawar to provide power supply to the sub-district hospital. He said several measures have been undertaken like road communication, better drinking water supply, construction of school buildings and improvement of irrigation schemes in Gurez tehsil at a cost of Rs 58 crore. Aga said a degree college complex would be constructed at Dawar for which 10.3 acres of land have already been acquired. A sheep project at a cost of Rs 1.76 crore would also be set up in the area to boost the sheep rearing,
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