If it's true that the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys, then my 10-year-old son and I might well agree that a perfect place to hang out online is the Audio Video Science Forum — www.avsforum.com.Here is a site where you can spend untold hours discussing $10 DVDs, or $100,000 home-theater systems to play them on. It's among the Internet's mo
st intelligently organized (and dare I say enlightened) spots to discuss, debate and indulge in the pleasures of hardware and software. Care to argue the merits of digital projectors versus flat-panel plasma displays? Which super-fab data decoder, amplifier or loudspeaker system? And how can you effectively calibrate your system so it looks and sounds its best? The AVS Forum's members will answer most any question you can imagine — and quite a few you can't. The number of separate discussion areas is staggering. No fewer than 13 sections are devoted to the “Display Devices” category, and this doesn't include various sub-forums that go into still-further detail. The other major-topic headings include Video Components, HDTV, Blu-ray & HD DVD, Audio, Digital Video & Audio Devices, Home Entertainment & Theater Builder, A/V Control & Automation, Industry, and just in case none of these suffice, Other Areas of Interest. Yes, it's a bit much to take in all at once. Happily, you can easily search for specific answers, and the arcane fetishism sometimes present in audiophile/video circles tends to be underplayed. Toys for Boys (and Girls) seldom get as much respect.
Source : http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20090814/FEATURES/908140320/1011/SCENE/Online