The recent closing of the General Motors Boxwood Road assembly plant just seven months after the closing of Chrysler's Newark plant has been devastating news for auto workers, their families and our state. Years ago, no one could have ever imagined an economic crisis and a decline of the American auto industry resulting in the closure of not one but both of the state's auto plants. And yet that crisis is upon us today.The best way to confront a crisis is to create opportunity. With worldwide oil production flat at 85 million barrels a day since 2005, a 45 percent increase in crude oil prices this year and the volatility of oil supplies from countries in the Middle East, several nations -- including Russia, India and China -- are rushing to be the world leader in electric car production. The current U.S. auto industry crisis represents a defining moment to challenge a crisis and create an opportunity to ensure that our nation leads the world with the emergence of the electric car industry. If we want to jump-start the U.S. auto industry, we need to go electric and move beyond government mileage standards and 20th century gas engines to reverse the downsizing and retrenchment of the industry in the U.S.
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