Spice Mobiles announced the launch of a new dual mode supporting live GSM and CDMA connections simultaneously and which comes preloaded with host of VAS applications including from Nimbuzz, Reuters, Mitr, Opera Mini to name a few. Branded as Spice D-1111, the model is priced at Rs 18,499/- and is based on the Windows Mobile 6.0 platform. Other features include a 2 mega pixel camera, Bluetooth, expandable memory upto 2 GB and a touch panel. It is also equipped with email2SMS enterprise application allowing users to read email through the SMS channel instead of GPRS connection. Speaking on the launch, Mr. Kunal Ahooja, CEO, Spice Mobiles said, “Spice Mobiles has always endeavoured to drive innovation in the mobile handset industry and set new benchmarks through user-friendly and smart product offerings. With the launch of Spice D-1111, we have introduced world-class dual-SIM (GSM+CDMA) Windows Mobile in India. This unique gadget caters to working professionals who work hard and believe in having fun.”
Source :/www.telecomtiger.com/Handset_fullstory.aspx?storyid=6505§ion=S182