Prime Minister Taro Aso announced that Japan, a global manufacturing hub for automobiles and electronics, aims to cut greenhouse-gas emissions 15% to below 2005 levels by 2020. But meeting that target will pose a significant challenge to the world's second-largest economy as it struggles to recover from its worst recession since World War II. Mr. Aso's announcement came as many governments are preparing for the United Nations global climate conference later this year in Copenhagen. Talks are underway this week in Bonn, Germany, with delegates from 182 countries trying to produce a draft of a new agreement on combating global warming that would take effect in 2012. While Japan's newly announced target is ambitious compared with other nations' proposals, it falls short of what environmental activists say is needed to curb global warming. Under the current Kyoto Protocol, which set limits to countries' greenhouse gas emissions, Japan agreed to reduce its carbon output by 6% from 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012.
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