Over the pass few months there has been a huge increase in the amount of websites that say you can get a free apple iphone 3G. You have to wonder though. Can this really be true or not? I’ve taking a good look at a number of these sites, and to be honest at first glance you might think to yourself "year right" or "this is such a scam". Well you can think what you want, but I bought into the "Get A Free Iphone" deal and to my surprise it worked. It was actually a lot easier then I thought it was going to be.
How can you get a free iphone? Well believe it or not it’s actually pretty simple. A lot of the websites that offer the free iphone just require you can enter in either your zip code or email address. To me that is no big deal if it works. Now if you’re the type of person where you think everything is "too good to be true" or "there has to be some type of catch" then you’re in for a shock. Ok so there is just one catch to receiving a free iphone 3G. It’s nothing big really. You just have to fill out a few other offers. These offers are very easy to fill out, and most of the time they require no money. Sometimes you get offers that might require you to purchase a trial for $1 or $5, but come on you’re getting a free iphone for trying out a few things which you can just cancel once you get your iphone.
How long will it take to get your free iphone? Depending where you live it can take anywhere from less then a week up until about 3 weeks. Bottom line if you don’t mind filling out a few free offers and some trial memberships to get a brand new iphone for free, then this is a great way to not only save yourself a couple hundred dollars as the apple iphone 3G goes for about $200 now, but you also get more then that just an iphone. The phone itself is a camera, ipod, and so much more.