Cape Town - Science and Technology Minister Naledi Pandor on Thursday called for more investment in research and development (R&D) and human capital. Innovation was vital for a country facing the challenges of creating sustainable jobs and improving living standards, she told the Natio
nal Assembly during debate on her budget vote. "In this financial year we'll give increased attention to strengthening partnerships among universities, colleges and enterprises that have a positive track record in research and development and in promoting technology and innovation," Pandor said. In this regard we'll also promote direct collaboration with innovative private sector leaders in science, technology and innovation." Awards and recognition for established, new, and aspiring researchers and science and technology workers would be expanded so that talent was found, rewarded, and put to work on making South Africa smarter and more effective. The department had been given the task of developing a national science and technology spending plan to provide a coherent approach to government science and technology investment. Early analysis indicated that government spent about R10bn in scientific and technological activities.
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