TELCO: Singtel CELLPHONES SERVICE IS AVAILABLE ON: 12 models from LG, Nokia, Samsung and Sony Ericsson (including Samsung F400 and Nokia N86) WHAT YOU GET: Unlimited downloads of copyprotected music files for as long as you subscribe to the service. Files are in 192kbps for computer and 96kbps for mobile phone. Each month, download 15 copy-protected tracks. Unused tracks can be brought forward to the next month. Three music videos can also be viewed free every week. CATALOGUE: Over 500,000 songs MUSIC LABELS AVAILABLE: Universal. Its artistes include Lady GaGa, Mariah Carey (below), Utada and Jacky Cheung. HOW TO GET THE SERVICE: By subscribing to SingTel's Broadband on Mobile, a data plan for Internet surfing on mobile phone. Or sign up for SingTel's 3G Flexi plan which includes a mobile-phone plan and an Internet-data plan. Enjoy AMPed for as long as you are subscribed to the service. Visit : for details. PRICING: Buy one of 12 supported mobile phones with data plans for $0 to $300. Monthly subscription of $9.90 for Broadband on Mobile, or $39 to $95 for 3G Flexi plans.
For further details visit at