But there are many people who would prefer to buy a new computer than to spend some time trying to fix or figure out the problem with their laptop or desktop. Usually after the first two years you will need some sort of maintenance because the computer will tend to lose its original speed and performance. Well, here are some if the common problems that a computer uses normally experience.
You may ask why your computer has problems. To tell you honestly, most of the time the biggest problem that your computer has is YOU - the owner or user. There are many people to neglect the first sign of computer problems. You should not neglect those simple maintenance tasks that may enhance or prolong the life of your computer.
1. Computer speed and performance is diminished.
One of the things that computer owners usually notice this. There are several reasons why it happens to your computer. Lack of maintenance, fragmented data, corrupted registry, spyware and unnecessary burden on computer programs and services can certainly affect your computer speed and performance. Manage your programs and cleaning the registry can easily increase your computer's performance up to 30%.
2. Computer system freezes and blue screens of death.
You have to do some serious diagnostic procedures to effectively know the problem with your computer. Computer virus or spyware might be some reason why this happens on your computer. Update your anti-spyware immediately to avoid such problems and thoroughly scan your computer to see if it has any viruses or spywares. If you find that your computer is free of spyware, then update your hardware drive is the next step. Hardware-drive makes it easier for your computer to communicate with other hardware components. Without an updated driver CPU locks up and can cause problems when you use your computer. If it does not work try to increase your computer memory to avoid computer freezes. By increasing the RAM you get more use your computer's computing power.
3. Computer stops at reboot again and again.
This kind of problem is usually associated with hardware problem. Faulty power supply is usually the cause of this problem. Dirty or defective fan is another reason why your computer is rebooting spontaneously. When your computer tries to cool itself when the fan is faulty it automatically shuts off. Dust has accumulated in your computer that can capture the heat inside, making it warmer. What you need to do is clean the fan and make sure it runs properly. Do not forget to check your power supply.
4. Sounds and vibrations.
This one is almost certain that you have a hardware problem. High frequency noise can be caused by electronic components. Whatever the reason, you conduct a small study. Unplug your computer and remove the case and run the computer to discover the origin of noise. If a loose wire or bad fan is what makes the noise so it may be time to call a computer tech to help you with your problem.
5. Your browser start page has changed.
It is known as "high-jacking", which is also caused by a spyware is installed on your system. The spyware on your computer has installed a javascript in your web browser, which tells your browser to change settings, thus changing the default homepage in your browser. What you can do is to run an anti-virus or spyware program to remove spyware from your computer.
All the problems stated in this article can be avoided easily by simply maintain your computer. Do not panic when you encounter a computer problem with your PC, because the key to fixing that problem is to correct diagnosis to identify what is happening on your computer. Take a few minutes to run some diagnostic tests or seek help in computer forums, before you rush out to computer