Adding pictures to your eBay listings for free is quite easy to do, the first thing to do is open a photobucket account. You can do this: When you have a free account, you can upload images and photos to the album you create - see Photobucket for how Mon Once you have uploaded images you want to use in your listing, you get the HTML code to your pictures. You get this from the image. Highlight the code for the image then copy it ready to paste into your listing. You might want to insert it into a Wordpad document to keep until you need it then copy and paste it from there.
When you type in your item description on ebay - stop writing at the point you want to insert an image and then click HTML. Copy and paste images HTML code at the end of the code where you finish writing. If you want to display the picture in the middle of your description, write the item description code then copy and paste the image code.
You can resize images to suite your listing on Photobucket. You can add more text, click the Standard tab, and continue writing your description.
You can dry-run your listing on ebay and play around with coding, alignment, etc. Insert your text and image tags Then see how your listing will appear to see if you like it. If you do not like it just delete it.
Another way to add images is to use an ebay template. You can get them free online. A website providing free templates With an ebay template, you can write in your description and add the image HTML. You will be shown how the template code to place your text and image codes.
It's all quite easy really once you've tried it. A warning that if someone clicks on your Photobucket images, they will be dropped into your Photobucket album so be sure not to have pictures of a personal nature in that album. Create separate albums for different products.