The key behind the working of a microphone is the diaphragm. The whole technology of the microphone depends on the diaphragm because it is the only thing that captures sound waves to generate signals. So regardless of technology, function microphone is the same way. But of course, different applications for different technologies that each microphone has its own use.
Technically, there are five types of microphones commonly used for different purposes. From the past, there is the wireless microphone which is very popular today. They are widely used for recording and broadcast sounds. These microphones are portable and can be connected to the camera, recorder, or speaker without the cable. In this system there are three components that work together to create and send a signal to the point where it is registered and amplified.
Firstly there is the microphone which is a little clip fixed around the ear or in reverse. Next is the transmitter that converts an audio signal to a signal in either FM, VHF or UHF band of radio frequencies. The last component is the antenna that sends the generated signal to a short distance. These microphones are used in different kinds of shows like TV shows, stage shows or shows by bands.
The other types of microphones are as follows:
Dynamic microphones: These work by means of electromagnetic induction. There is a magnet that induces current to flow in the wire. When the diaphragm vibrates due to sound waves, are magnetic moved and this movement creates a small stream. As the dynamic microphones are strong and resistant to moisture, they are mainly used in stage performances by singers and bands.
Condenser microphones: These are also called condensers as the diaphragm acts as one plate of a capacitor and the vibrations produce changes in distance between the plates. And these changes are compounded to create a measurable signal. But that condenser microphones require a small battery to provide a voltage across the capacitor. Being able to produce high quality sound, they are used in laboratory and studio recordings.
Ribbon microphones: These microphones operate with the help of a metal strip that is suspended in a magnetic field and connected electrically to the microphone. This ribbon is moved from sound waves to change the current flowing through it, and thus electrical signal is generated. Ribbon microphones are used primarily to basins in the drums.
Carbon microphones: These microphones were used in phones in the past. The basic use carbon dust, which has a thin metal diaphragm on one side. And when the sound waves compress the membrane environment sweepings that changes its resistance. This changes the resistance alter the amount of current passing through.