Many people do not know how easy it really is to run a successful newsletter. Nor are they aware of the importance of having one. There are two main types of newsletters: free and paid.
Newsletters are the best way to generate sales and will be in the coming years. It is important that you offer a free subscription to a newsletter on your website and every person you meet. Your subscription information shall be at your website and in your signature file.
The information in a newsletter could include:
* Industry news or updates * Information related to product / service you promote * article you have compiled from other sources (with permission of course) * Special tips * A comprehensive list of interesting Web sites to visit * New product announcements * Announcements about changes / updates / additions to your site * Questions and answers from subscribers * A reader feedback section * Special prices and offers for newsletter subscribers only * conduct a survey to get feedback from your customers * Humorous stories related to your industry * Famous quotes funny sayings, joke of the day, etc. * Employee of the month or top sales person in a month * Spotlight on a Member, reader or customer
... Etc. ....
Of course. No matter what you put in the newsletter, make sure you put a blurb about one of your products and / or services
By providing your subscribers with accurate information they need, you will:
1) Establish credibility as an industry expert. 2) Give yourself a legitimate reason to contact them several times.
The components making up a newsletter should contain the following guidelines:
1) Header / Footer 2) Contents 3) Articles and Information 4) Use Dividers to separate sections 5) Ad Placement 6) makes it easy to unsubscribe 7) Choose a Subject Line that Works
Another way is to write an offer for free subscriptions to related newsgroups. Offers a complimentary subscription to the related email discussion lists, emails, classified ads in the forums and BBS postings, and in your signature file. Create releases to get publicity for your newsletter.
Use Classified Ads efficiently
To create successful ad copy is critical to success in your business or web site. Without the right structure or Word format, your chances of selling your products or services are slim to none.
One of the main aspects for writing killer copy is a belief in your product or service. If you do not, forget it. If you truly believe your product or service is something special, everything you write, say or do about it will be done with enthusiasm, including your sales letter, literature and ad copy.
Here are some tips that will help make your ads stand out:
1. Make the ad appealing.
2.Use short words and short sentences, if possible.
3. Make sure that each sentence flows into another.
4. Get testimonials and publish them.
5. Write your ad as if you talk to anyone, not at them.
6. Make sure all your information is clear, precise, efficient and flawless.
7. Use the "FREE" in your ads, especially when they offer information.
8. Describe your products by using the benefits rather than features.
Remember your customer only cares about what it will do for them. Show them how your product is a solution to their problem.
The benefits are not "quality service" or "cheapest." They are answers to "why should I keep reading?" Or "why should I order?"
Try to place yourself in the buyer's position and understand what he or she wants and then show how to fulfill this need. You sell a solution to a problem remembering it.
When you're finished writing your ad be sure to put it down and return to it later when your mind is clear and fresh. So read the ad and edit it if necessary. When you are satisfied the ad is good, submit it to as many classified ad sites as possible. If your ad is well written, you will start receiving inquiries within 24 to 48 hours.
But do not stop there. Keep updating the ad on a uniform basis for evaluating the results. You want to find out what ad pulling in the biggest response.
Market Using AOL
Promotion on AOL
1. Ads in Classified ads.
Placing a classified ad on AOL is a simple process. Just follow the instructions on For a limited time, they offer free ads in most categories except employment and cars.
2. Upload your free articles to the Forum Libraries
Another smart way to market your business by uploading free articles to the appropriate forums. Write articles that contains specific information for your audience, and a simple, low-key link to your website at the end.
3. Post and get involved in the Forum Discussions
Get involved in forum discussions and develop your reputation as an industry expert who really want to help people. You can generate a lot of new business in this way.
4. Create your own Online Community
Start your very own online community is a great way to establish your reputation as an industry expert. You can use your forum to focus directly on issues of interest to your audience.