Creating Killer Copy for Ads

To create successful ad copy is critical to success in your business or web site. Without the right structure or Word format, your chances of selling your products or services are slim to none.

One of the main aspects for writing killer copy is a belief in your product or service. If you do not, forget it. If you truly believe your product or service is something special, will everything you write, say or do in connection with what is done with enthusiasm, including your sales letter, literature and ad copy.

Here are some tips that will help make your ads stand out:

1. Make the ad appealing.

2. Use short words and short sentences, if possible. People can not and will not read long complicated copy.

3. Make sure that each sentence flows into another. Explain who you are, what your product is and what benefits will the purchaser get out of using your product or service.

4. Get testimonials and publish them. This will create credibility for you and your business.

5. Write your ad you are talking to someone, not at them. Use informal language and keep it simple and easy to understand.

6. Make sure all your information is clear, precise, efficient and flawless. Remember the acronym AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). You must write your copy to get his or her attention. Generate interest in your product or service. Once you have triggered his interest then stir in him or her a desire for your product. You can do this by using carefully selected words. Of course. After this, you have him or her act

7. Use the "FREE" in your ads, especially when they offer information.

8. Describe your products by using the benefits rather than features. For example, do not say "this xxxx is a, b, c and d" instead say xxxx will save you time and money because it has a, b and c functions.

Remember, your customer only cares about what it will do for them. Show them how your product is a solution to their problem. Here is an example of what we are talking about:

Did you buy a car with air conditioning, just because it had a / c or because it will keep you very cool and comfortable on hot days? Did you buy it because it had antilock brakes and airbags, or because it was very safe for you and your family?

The benefits are not "quality service" or "cheapest". They are the answer to "why should I keep reading?" or "why should I order?" Be sure to give details.

Try to place yourself in the buyer's position and understand what he or she wants and then show how to fulfill this need. You sell a solution to a problem remembering it.

Remember step 7 above, and let us explain that a bit. Be careful of words you use. For example, says "We are the best and we are cheaper than everyone else" is too strong, and poorly written. It makes you look like a cheap small business. But saying "Serving you with quality and low price" promise or give an advantage to the reader. Also it uses the word "you" and the promise is not overstated.

There are certain words that have the power to turn prospects and motivate them to buy. Some examples are:

Free, love, safe, new, benefit, right, you, alternative, safety, sale, now, value, fun, save, gain, money, happiness, advice, how to, discover, establish, easy, yours proved penetrate sudden, proud, healthy, safe and natural, fast, precious, secret, solution, magic and pleasant.

Words to avoid are:

Buy, hard, death duties incorrectly, failure resolution, not bad, deal, cost, sell, taxes, responsibility, worry, loss, hard, and contract.

Always transfer ownership of your ads to make them more personal by using "you" and "your".

When you're finished writing your ad be sure to put it down and return to it later when your mind is clear and fresh. So read the ad and edit it if necessary. When you are satisfied the ad is good, submit it to as many classified ad sites as possible. If your ad is well written, you will start receiving inquiries within 24 to 48 hours.

But do not stop there. Keep updating the ad on a uniform basis for evaluating the results. You want to find out what ad pulling in the biggest response.

Placing ads in e-journals

As to where to place your classified ads, the best place is in the e-journals. Online newsletters tend to narrowly focus their content to meet the needs and capture the loyalty of a very specific readership, giving you the perfect opportunity to get your ad in front of your best potential customers.

What is more, provided that you advertise in the newsletter would not allow more than 4 or 5 ads per issue, you need not worry about your ad to disappear among the others.

Of course, for this type of advertising work, you must be very careful when choosing which newsletter to buy ad space in. There are several factors that should be considered, including:

1. Who are the readers? Do they fit the profile of your best potential customer?

2. How many subscribers are there? This issue is particularly important when deciding what you're willing to pay to advertise in a particular newsletter.

3. Where will your ad be placed? At the top? Middle or bottom

4. How big your ad can be? Will it be only a few lines of text? A title? A whole article?

These are all factors that should be taken into account when deciding what an ad in a particular newsletter is worth to you.

Classified Ad Sites

Did you know that there are well over 1000 free classified ad sites on the Internet? Of course you must be prepared to work at it. Placing your ad on one or two sites will not cut it. Placing your ad on these free sites are a numbers game cause you never know when someone will respond to your ad.

If you use an ad submission to submit your ad to these free pages automatically, you can get more coverage with several potential returns.