On the sidelines of inaugurating its first ‘Boutique Showroom’ in the country, Škoda Auto India, on 16th July’09, has said to reporters that is eyeing to have at least 10 such outlets, mostly in metro and cosmopolitan cities like Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata et al, though the locations have not been finalised by the company yet. The fully-owned subsidiary of Škoda Auto a.s., Czech Republic (Volkswagen Group), one of the premium automobile manufacturers in India, had officially opened the doors to its first ever boutique showroom, Arshia Motors in Connaught Place, New Delhi. The company claims that like the New Delhi showroom, all the upcoming outlets will stand out from the others in terms of the design concept which is a unique blend of lifestyle and contemporary ambience bringing the customer closer to our brand. Ashutosh Dixit, ŠkodaAuto India senior general manager (sales and network development had earlier said, “The opening of the first Skoda Boutique showroom by Arshia Motors heralds the beginning of experiential automotive retail in India. Our new boutique showroom concept echoes Skoda’s philosophy to provide not just quality cars but also a sophisticated quality ownership experience to our customers. Keeping in mind the busy lifestyle of today’s customer the boutique showroom has ‘Customer touch points’ incorporated at every stage which save their valuable time. We will target to open 10 boutique showrooms in 5 Tier-I cities across India by the end of December 2010.”
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