The broadband war is all set to heat up as Bharti Airtel slashes rates. Subscribers will be able to experience 1 Mbps surfing speeds from Airtel at Rs. 1,699 per month, which is Rs. 100 more than current 512 Kbps. The 512Kbps speed plan will now cost Rs. 1,099, which is Rs. 200 more than current 256 Kbps. For Rs. 1,699, subscribers will be offered 1Mbps surfing speeds, along with a free VAS bundle from Airtel worth up to Rs. 500 every month. This bundle would include gaming on Games on Demand, Anti-Virus software PC Secure, Airtel Speed on Demand, and Online Desktop. While for Rs.1,099 per month, subscribers will get to experience 512 Kbps broadband speeds along with Rs. 100 worth of free call value per month. Get details on these plans here. According to Hindustan Times, state-owned Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. (MTNL) and Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (BSNL) have said that they would offer services at lower than Bharti prices. Get set for a speedier broadband experience for less. It only gets better!
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