Japan's three big carmakers all reported falls in production for the month of June due to the global financial crisis which sapped demand overseas. Toyota Motor Corp.'s domestic year-on-year output declined by 31.2 percent in June. In the same period Nissan Motor Corp. dropped by 34.2 percent, while Honda Motor Corp. by 30.6 percent. Statistics have shown exports for all of Japan's automakers dropped by more than 50 percent in the past two fiscal quarters. Meanwhile, the sales of Toyota, the world's largest carmaker, dropped by 26 percent for the January-June period to around 3,564,000 units. Both Toyota Motor and Nissan Motor unveiled updated strategies to secure footholds on future automobile markets amid record sales dips in production, by focusing on expansion into China and designing more environmentally friendly automobiles. Toyota is in discussion with Mazda Motor about sharing hybrid technology that may boost Toyota's position as the industry standard for eco-cars. Ford Motors and Nissan have already have arrangements with Toyota to employ the company's hybrid-car technology. Toyota's president, Akio Toyoda, said the company will try to bolster sales in developing markets such as China, while cutting loses in America with initiatives including closing a factory in California.
For further details visit as : http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-07/29/content_11792700.htm