Particle physics saves lives, connects continents through new channels of communication, helps us understand the world around us and inspires tomorrow’s leaders.While the perils associated with particle physics, from Earth-gobbling black holes to Vatican-destroying amounts of antimatter, gain news headlines, it’s easy to overlook the large economic and societal benefits of particle physics research. The technology designed and engineered for paradigm-shifting experiments, such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, is some of the most advanced in the world and as particle physics technology moves forward so technology for industries as varied as biotechnology, energy and communications also rapidly progresses. The Institute of Physics (IOP) and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) are today, Thursday, 28 May, launching a new report, Particle physics – it matters (pdf download, 2.8 MB) to introduce a wider audience to the economic and societal benefits of particle physics research.Tajinder Panesor, manager, science policy at the Institute of Physics, said, “Many more people are now familiar with the ‘Big Bang’ machine and the hunt for the ‘God’ particle but we feel that there are still some questions around why so much effort is expended on this type of activity. “We want everyone logging onto the Web or going to the hospital for a scan to know that what they’re experiencing has only been made possible through particle physics research.” The new report lays out how particle physics benefits the UK’s economy and its society through healthcare and communication spin-offs and how it provides British industry with world-leading technology, while also helping us address global challenges.
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